वैज्ञानिकज्ञानं वर्धयितुं भौतिकशास्त्रं

...accelerating Physics to transcend Scientific Knowledge


AIP’s primary mission is to advance the knowledge and understanding of physics, promote it’s research and education, and provide a platform for physicists to interact and share their work.



Dr. Vishnu Chauhan

Ph.D (Physics), IGSTC - PDIF (Germany)
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
Ramjas College, University of Delhi,
University Enclave Delhi, Delhi-110007, India

In recent years, metal oxide based nanostructures have been investigated as innovative materials for diverse applications including photovoltaic, photo catalysis, sensors, and electronic, drug delivery, bio-imaging, biosensing etc. We discuss the background of metal oxide based nanostructures, different synthesis techniques utilized, their properties, and potential applications, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with their development. Various synthesis methods, including solution processing, spin coating process, Co-precipitation, RF sputtering, atomic later deposition, etc would be discussed. There are various parameters like control over particle size, stability, phase transformation, toxicity of specific elements moisture sensitivity, and degradation under operational conditions, are addressed to ensure reliable device performance and other applications. Also, the detailed challenges and opportunities of metal oxide nanostructures would be addressed.

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"Game-Changing Moments in Physics"

Dr. Suman Deb
Chief Councellor, North-East Zone, AIP
Postdoctoral Fellow, IJCLAB, CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France

Prepare to embark on a whirlwind tour through some of the most mind-bending revolutions in physics! From the bold Copernican leap to a Sun-centered universe, to the quantum weirdness that upended classical physics, and the spacetime curvature revealed by Einstein. I will also attempt to uncover the intricate dance of fundamental particles in the Standard Model and journey to the cosmic frontier with String Theory, aiming to bridge the unbridgeable gap between general relativity and quantum mechanics. This engaging presentation is your ticket to understanding these pivotal moments that have transformed the way we perceive the universe. Whether you are an undergraduate, a master's student, or a doctoral candidate, I hope you will leave inspired by the ever-evolving wonders of physics.

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...under the WHiP Lecture Series AIP Presents

"ADITYA-L1: India’s first dedicated space observatory to study Sun"

Dr. Sreejith Padinhatteeri
Assistant Professor
Manipal Center for Natural Sciences (MCNS)
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)

Aditya-L1 is India's first dedicated space observatory designed to study the Sun. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched the observatory class satellite on 2nd September 2023 using a PSLV-XL rocket. The satellite is currently en route to the L1 point and is expected to enter into a stable halo orbit around L1 by the first week of January 2024. The scientific community is eagerly awaiting the data from Aditya-L1's seven indigenously developed scientific payloads, and we must prepare to use this valuable data effectively. This mission presents a unique opportunity for Indian students interested in the physics of the Sun and Heliosphere. In this talk, the speaker will explain the primary science goals of this mission and the scientific problems Aditya-L1 data will address. They will also provide a brief overview of the mission and the instruments on Aditya-L1. The audience can ask for more information about the instruments based on their interest.

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...under the WHiP Lecture Series AIP Presents

"Exploring Chandrayaan-3: Advancements in Lunar Exploration"

Dr. M. Shanmugam
Scientist/Engineer 'SF' & Section Head
Planetary Instrumentation Development Section (PIDS)
Physical research Laboratory, Ahmedabad

Moon, earth's only natural satellite, has always fascinated humanity in many ways. In past decades, many explorations have been done on the Moon's surface. But India's moon mission to land a spacecraft on its south pole has its own importance. Chandrayaan- 3 aimed to succeed where Chandrayaan-2 had faced difficulties, focusing on soft landing, rover mobility, and scientific experiments on the Moon's surface. This presentation will touch on the design, goals, experiments, and technological challenges of Chandrayaan-2/3 missions. In this space exploration, many Indian institutions have played an important role. Dr. M. Shanmugam will talk about how the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad played a pivotal role in contributing to scientific experiments across all platforms.

This lecture will shed light on various scientific discoveries and uncover many interesting facts about moon’s surface. Success of Chandrayaan-3 is a proud moment for India. So be the part of the pride and do not miss the chance to go with us on moon exploration.

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"An Expedition from Big-bang to Little-bang on the Quest
for an Exotic-state of Matter"

Dr. Captain R. Singh
Postdoctoral Fellow, IIT Indore

Embark on a captivating quest through the mysteries of our existence! Throughout history, humanity has pondered the profound origins of our existence: Where did we come from? What lies beyond the boundaries of our world? Delve into the depths of time with me as we uncover the secrets of life's inception and unravel the elemental fabric that surrounds us. Prepare to be astounded as we journey into the realm of scientific marvels, with the enigmatic CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the forefront. This awe-inspiring machine acts as a time traveler, peering back into the origins of the universe, attempting to recreate the extraordinary state of matter present during the epochal Big Bang. But the wonders of the LHC extend beyond its scientific mission. Discover how this colossal creation indirectly serves humanity, shaping the course of our future in unimaginable ways. Brace yourself for a mind-bending exploration! Let us piece together the fragments of our limited knowledge, gradually constructing a grand tapestry that stretches from the moment of cosmic birth — the Big Bang — to the subtle whispers of the " little bang. "

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Indian Lunar Missions Chandrayaan-2/3 by ISRO Scientist | Dr. M. Shanmugam |
Dont miss Lecture
AIP National Symposium
3rd September 2023
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The Journey To The Small World – “The Quantum Realm”
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Scholars Comment's

“Really, helpful session and very good audience that asked genuine doubts. I don't have any suggestions to made but it would be helpful to receive such more sessions like that and the lecture slides. Once again, a big thanks to AIP for taking such initiation”
Mr. Yedu Krishnan
“About AIP National Symposium: I never thought of being a part of such a great Symposium. There were many things that earlier I was not familiar with. I want such many more events to be organized by AIP team for further ongoing research's.” From: St Andrews College, Gorakhpur
Ms. Radha Singh
“About AIP Talk Series: The session was truly amazing and also thanks a lot for still remembering our queries and solved it even after the sessions..." From, Apollo Arts and Science College, Poonamallee, Chennai, Tamilnadu
Ms. Divya Sri D